Episode 208 - Speaking Grief... A Conversation With Lindsey Whissel Fenton
Have you ever had an issue expressing how you navigate through the grieving process? If so, I had a conversation with a film maker who has a project that is a must see for grievers as well as those who are supporting grievers.
Lindsey Whissel Fenton
Lindsey Whissel Fenton is an Emmy award-winning storyteller who is passionate about using public media to build empathy. She is currently a senior producer at WPSU where, most recently, she developed, produced, directed, and wrote Speaking Grief, a multi-platform initiative aimed at helping create a more grief-aware society.
In 2017, Lindsey co-produced and directed A Time to Heal, a public media documentary that explores the impact of the Vietnam War on the lives of those who fought, protested, or prayed for their loved ones to come home alive. You Can’t Say That, which she produced, was among eight U.S. programs selected to screen at the 2013 International Public Television Screening Conference (INPUT) conference in El Salvador; it was also honored with a Mid Atlantic Emmy Award. Some of her other projects include Pennsylvania Folklore: Woven Together and World on Trial: The French Headscarf Law. Fenton also serves as a host for the WPSU-FM series Take Note.
She earned her bachelor’s degree in Cinema and Digital Arts from Point Park University and her master’s degree in Learning, Design, and Technology from Penn State. In 2012, she was one of four professionals selected by Rotary International District 7350 to serve as an ambassador for its Group Study Exchange to Ukraine.
Fenton practices Shotokan karate and holds the rank of Nidan (second degree black belt). She also recently discovered a passion for rock climbing. A native of Buffalo, NY, Lindsey currently resides in Central Pennsylvania with her husband. She is the proud dog-mom to Birch, a 7(ish)-year-old Maltese who was rescued from a puppy mill.
Find out more about Speaking Grief here: https://speakinggrief.org/
Information about the Brave of Heart Fund: https://www.braveofheartfund.com/
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Music provided by Oren Levine (oren@ohljazz.com)