Episode 75 - Bruce Lee and My Grief Recovery Process

Episode 75 - Bruce Lee and My Grief Recovery Process
Darwyn M. Dave

This week marks the 44th anniversary of the passing of Bruce Lee. it wasn't until recently that discovered the Bruce lee podcast hosted by Shannon Lee and her friend Sharon Lee.

While I had heard of Bruce Lee's teachings as a martial artist, I soon discovered that his teachings really where about life itself. while his teachings and philosophy are really quite simple, I have a tendency to over complicate things... especially when dealing with grief.

Check out the Bruce Lee podcast - https://www.brucelee.com/podcast/

Bruce Lee "Be Water" quote - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJMwBwFj5nQ

Contact me using any of following:

email - darwyn@dealingwithmygrief.com

twitter - http://www.twitter.com/dealwithgrief

voice message - http://www.dealingwithmygrief.com/voicemail

Music provided by Oren Levine (oren@ohljazz.com