162 - Memorial Day and Grief... Catching Up with Joshua Black of the Grief Dreams Podcast

162 - Memorial Day and Grief... Catching Up with Joshua Black of the Grief Dreams Podcast
Darwyn M. Dave, Dr.Joshua Black

This past week - Memorial Day weekend here in the United States, I had a chance to finally meet Dr. Joshua Black of the Grief Dreams podcast (griefdreams.ca).

I took him to Arlington National Cemetery and we watched the changing of the guard at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. It was a very powerful experience.

He happened to be in town to speak at a conference given by the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS).

Our discussion focuses on the cemetery visit and how his fathere's death lead to the pursuit of his doctorate degree in psychology.

For more information about TAPS, go to: https://www.taps.org/

 For more grief related resources, please visit: http://www.dealingwithmygrief.com/grief-resources/

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email - darwyn@dealingwithmygrief.com

twitter - http://www.twitter.com/dealwithgrief

voice/message - (240) 778-5200

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Music provided by Oren Levine (oren@ohljazz.com)

Episode 95 - My Grief Podversary and A Conversation with my Mom

Episode 95 - My Grief Podversary and A Conversation with my Mom
Darwyn M. Dave

Two years ago I sat down and pressed record for the first time. I had no idea if anyone would listen and where this journey would take me. Many people thought this topic was either too sensitive to discuss or was just too much of a downer.

I could not be more pleased to prove the naysayers wrong. I found that many others where going through the same pain that I was and it was then that I thought about giving others a voice on this podcast. It started in Episode 55 with Joshua Black from the Grief Dreams podcast and will become a regular feature on this show.

I wanted to start this 3rd year with a conversation with the person who sacrificed all to make sure that I would be OK after my dad's death... my mom.

We had a great conversation... here is part of that sit down.

If you are so inclined to share your story of loss, please email me at darwyn@dealingwithmygrief.com.

Contact me using any of following:

email - darwyn@dealingwithmygrief.com

twitter - http://www.twitter.com/dealwithgrief

web - http:// www.dealingwithmygrief.com

voice message - http://www.dealingwithmygrief.com/voicemail

Music provided by Oren Levine (oren@ohljazz.com)

Episode 92 - Grief and My Mental Headspace

Episode 92 - Grief and My Mental Headspace
Darwyn M.Dave

I've been MIA (missing in action) for a few weeks because I needed to  take care of a few things back in St. Louis. I didn't have the time it would take to keep up my regular production schedule.

One thing that weighed heavily on my mind was the last conversation I had with my grandfather. He didn't want me to leave home and attend school half way across the country. I told him I'd only be gone for school, but he was still adamant that I should stay home.

I didn't have an opportunity to make things right between us as he died two weeks after I left home... I haven't spent more than a summer in St. Louis since I left for school. That was over 30 years ago.

While I have been tending to some of my mother's needs after a recent hospitalization this final conversation between my grandfather and me has been replying over and over in my mind.

On another note - I did sit down and record a conversation with my mother but did not have time to edit it for this week's show. Look for it next week.

If you have an opportunity, talk to a loved one and record it. You might be thankful you did a few years from now!

Contact me using any of following:

email - darwyn@dealingwithmygrief.com

twitter - http://www.twitter.com/dealwithgrief

web - http:// www.dealingwithmygrief.com

voice message - http://www.dealingwithmygrief.com/voicemail

Music provided by Oren Levine (oren@ohljazz.com)